Pendle Hill High School

Responsibilities, Respect, Resilience and Learning

Telephone02 9631 9651

Bullying...No way!

Pendle Hill High School is a positive behaviour for learning school, with a focus on responsibilities, respect, rightsand learning.  

At our school bullying is not acceptable:

  • You have the right to feel safe and happy at our school.
  • We expect all students to treat each other fairly and with respect.
  • We have a strong anti-bullying policy that we expect all students and staff to follow.
  • Students who report bullying incidents will be supported by the Year Adviser and School Counsellor.
  • Students who try to bully others will be given formal warnings and will be involved in a bullying resolution program. Repeated incidents of bullying may lead to suspension from our school.

Stopping bullying starts with you:

  • Treat everyone with respect and take responsibility for your words and actions.
  • Understand that saying things that are “put downs” hurts others.

If someone tries to bully you:

  • Ignore them, if possible.
  • If you can, look them in the eye, tell them to “Stop” and then walk away.
  • Go and tell your teacher, your Year Adviser or the Deputy Principal so that they can help to stop the bullying.
  • You can also see the School Captains and Vice Captains.

Want more information or support?

  • See your Year Adviser, the School Counsellor or the Deputy Principal.
  • Check out the Kids Help Line 
  • Check out Cyber bullying                  


Guide to online safety

  • Be careful when adding a new ‘friend’ to online or email contact lists. Making new friends can be fun, but there’s a chance that they may not be who they say they are.
  • Think before you post information online – once posted it’s difficult to remove.
  • Never share your passwords and always set your profile to ‘private’ so your personal information is kept secret.
  • Check with your parents before you give anyone on the internet your personal details.
  • If you want to meet someone you only know online, ask your parents or another trusted adult to go with you and always meet in a public place.
  • Don’t open messages from people that you don’t know.  These could contain viruses.
  • Tell your parents if you are upset or worried by language, pictures or videos on the internet.
  • If you need help, contact the Cybersmart Online Helpline on the Cybersmart website or call Kids Helpline direct on 1800 55 1800.

Practical tips for dealing with an online bully

  • Tell the bully in simple terms to leave you alone. Tell them not to contact you again. Log off immediately and stay offline for at least 24 hours.
  • Do not reply to any future mail from the bully. Do not reply to taunts, emails or gossip written about you. By ignoring taunts, you take the power away from the harasser and refuse to play their game. You are now in charge.
  • Never give your password or logon details to anyone, even your best friends. It’s really easy for someone to log on to your Social Media site (e.g. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter) and post any kind of statement if they know your password.
  • Stay out of chat rooms where you don’t feel comfortable.
  • Keep all harassing emails (and any replies you’ve made) as evidence.
  • If you feel you are in physical danger or if the bully has made physical threats against you, tell your parents immediately and they can decide if it’s appropriate to contact authorities.

For more great tips on staying safe online see the departments online safety tips