The TVET program gives Year 11 and Year 12 school students the opportunity to study TAFE courses which contribute units to their HSC. Accounting and Industry Curriculum Framework courses can also count towards their ATAR.
Image: Students at the TAFE NSW stand at the careers expo.
The advantages of completing a TVET course include:
access to a broader range of courses for Year 11 and Year 12 studies
the possibility of gaining a qualification recognised by employers Australia wide
practical skills and training for the workplace and further study
an opportunity to gain two sets of credentials - one from the Board of Studies (HSC) and one from TAFE NSW
advanced standing, which means there is no need to repeat any subjects successfully completed if you continue with TAFE NSW after school
the experience of an adult learning environment.
TVET courses have the same NESA requirements as other HSC courses. Students need to attend classes and complete the set assessments.
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