Recognising Student Achievements
At Pendle Hill High School we have high expectations of our students. Our programs promote positive behaviour for learning, with a focus on responsibilities, respect, rights and learning.
We believe that it is important to recognise and reward active involvement in learning, improvement, commitment and excellence as well as responsible behaviour, concern for others and involvement in our school and its community.
Our school has a range of support, mentoring, student leadership and student voice programs available to all students.
Our Recognition Assemblies and Merit Award Programs are designed to celebrate student Achievement.
Merit Award Scheme
Teachers are encouraged to recognise positive student behaviour, actions and contributions. The use of merit certificates reinforces positive attitudes in students.
- 5 Merits in one subject lead to a Head Teacher’s Award
- 2 Head Teacher Awards from different faculties lead to a Year Adviser’s Award
- 2 Year Adviser’s Awards lead to a Principal’s Award