Pendle Hill High School

Responsibilities, Respect, Resilience and Learning

Telephone02 9631 9651

Our staff

Get to know our school staff. We're all here to help.

Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.

The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.

Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.

Executive staff

Principal – Mrs J Sims

Deputy Principals – Mr B Clarke, Mr J Young and Ms J Shelmon

Head teachers

Teaching and Learning – Mrs N Peek

English - Ms Caro

HSIE - Mr T Podolask

Mathematics – Ms B Poore

PDHPE - Mr T Swinnerton

Science – Mrs N Goyal

TAS - Mr A Stewart

School Organisation – Ms A Bharat and M P Gupta


Ms R Caro (HT)

Mr D Van De Kieft

Ms N Goulden (Girls Advisor)

Ms N Peek (HT Teaching and Learning)

Ms I Morched

Ms P Gupta (Amin Co-ordinator)

Human society and its environment 

Mr T Podolask (HT)

Mr C Colefax (Year 8 Year Advisor)

Ms P Weicek

Mr P Gardner (Yr 12 Year Advisor)



Ms B Poore (HT)

Mr A Vale

Ms A Paul

Ms S Jesuraj

Ms J Tredell (Year 9 Year Advisor)


Mrs N Goyal (HT)

Ms S Vummadi

Ms B D'Souza

Mr J Tang

Ms J Saini

Personal development, health and physical education

Mr T Swinnerton (HT)

Mr V Sithloo (Yr 10 Year Advisor)

Ms I Hyunh

Mr R Mufale

Technology and Applied Studies

Mr A Stewart (HT)

Mrs M Vernot

Ms A Bharat (Admin Co-Ordinator)

Mr A Barrington


Creative Arts

Mr A Sandico

Ms S Romic

Ms J Blagg

Language other than English 

Mrs A Manny

Specialist staff

Careers Adviser – Ms S Talary

Learning support - Ms H Nazerath

School Counsellor – Ms V Devapiriam

Refugee Support – Mrs S. Jesuraj

Teacher Librarian – Ms S Tucker

English as an additional language or dialect (EAL/D) teacher - Mr J Hutton and Ms O Tsacouis


Ancillary staff

School Business Manager - Ms S Hulme

School Administration Manager – Ms J Millington

General Assistant – Mr C Willmott

School administration officers


Student support learning officers

Mrs J Bassan

Mr J Heffernen